Now that it’s July a “new” year has begun! What a strange space we were in during the last quarter of the financial year with COVID-19. But, hopefully the EOFY celebrations were still had (with appropriate distancing). If you have a good relationship with your accountant you will know that you can claim deductions for buying and cleaning new uniforms. Especially those with logos, protective clothing and unique or distinctive uniforms specific to industries.
Uniform Budget Formula
If you haven’t forecasted your uniform budget don’t panic, luckily, for you we have created an easy to understand formula that will help for the 2021 financial year. Firstly you take the number of staff you have and times this by your uniform allowance per person. You can use the numbers from last year if you have them. Then times this number by the uniform turnover rate. Depending on what industry and jobs your employees perform this will be different for each business as the longevity of the uniform will range depending on its use. Voila! You will now have your uniform budget for the 2021 financial year. If the above explanation wasn’t clear enough then check out the graphic below!
Budgeting for your uniform allowance and making allocations for merchandise is an important part of your marketing strategy. It also heavily impacts the way that your brand is viewed. It’s said that customers will form an opinion of your business within 30 seconds of meeting your team member. Therefore wearing a branded, clean and industry related professional uniform will reflect well on your business as a whole. It will also, specifically in the mind your customers, show you operate a professional, expert and quality business.
Employee Uniform Checklist
The below checklist will help you ensure your employees are representing your business well. Ask yourself do our employees:
-Look professional when out in the field
-Have the logo easily visible, recognisable and reflecting your brand image
-Display clean uniforms free of stains, rips or fading
-Wear clean shoes (or as clean as possible) that are appropriate for their work environment
-Have appropriate belts, accessories and look put together in a way that customers will find respectful
If you said no to any of the above then it might be time to look at your uniform or the turnover rate. We offer a personalised service that can help you put together a look for your employees that will represent your brand well. You don’t even need to know the specifics of what you want, that’s what we are here for, to help!
You can view our uniform ranges here or contact one of our friendly staff for a free consultation.
Please note that this article provides general advise only. Refer to your accountant or the ATO for financial advise specific to your business and industry.
For uniform inspiration you can head over to our Instagram page @redrooaustralia